Hey everyone, Rice here! I know that its been awhile since I posted any articles or any financial related stuff here. Thought it would be timely to give an update and future plans too!
Rice Investing Journey started out as a hobby and passion of mine which stemmed from an interest in finance (started from personal finance). With some encouragement, Rice was born back in Dec of 2021 🙂
Slowly, I have broadened out the topics covered here to more than just personal finance, going into others such as school life, investing psychology and mostly recently, collaborations with other passionate writers such as Paleoter.
That being said, writing articles every week takes a lot of time and effort, from idea generation to crafting out the article outline, there are many other things behind the scenes of every post. Such as, researching, finding of sources, creating insightful graphics and so much more. What may be a 5min read is an accumulation of hours and hours of work.
Unfortunately, due to some issues, I was too occupied and busy to create the articles, hence the hiatus from posting the past few months. My goal has also been to create articles that interest me as well as many others out there and doing articles that lacked that just did not sit right with me if I posted content that was lacking or sub-par. However, I wish I had done an update on this hiatus, and I sincerely apologise to all of you readers out there :”) .
That said, I am ready to start posting again, and have many article ideas in mind that I hope will allow everyone to gain some takeaways from. I will try and broaden the topics covered as well as including more depth to the articles. Do expect to see a lot more unique content and further insights! Here is a sneak peak on one of the articles I am currently working on:

As always, do suggest topics that you would like me to cover as I am always interested in researching new topics!
Once again, thank you for all the support and I really appreciate those who were here since the beginning. Thank you thank you thank you and I am eternally grateful for everyone’s support!